Boston vs Los Angeles

People still call it the biggest Rivalry in Sports. Its like New York vs Boston in the MLB! I  dont know what it is about boston, but that city likes picking fights they aren’t going to win…  Now i will give Boston this in a overall Yes they have more championships as a team then Los angeles has won, Boston has 17 as a Franchise and L.A. has 15. So if things are played right im sure after these finals we will have 16 and  will be one behind Boston. But anyway i just wanted to  give a lil history on the two teams because they are both 2 great teams, and this a Great Rivalry! So make sure June 3rd your off work and ready for a good show because the NBA FINALS are back, and History is going to be made again!

L.A. vs Boston let the best team win.

Just Remeber Only Kings Wear Rings

Happy Memorial Day


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